Kristen Robertson Grewal

Special Education Advocate

Kristen Robertson-Grewal has an M.A. in Education with a specialization in Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation from the University of Ottawa.  She has been advocating for parents of children with special needs for the last 10 years.

Kristen works with families of children ranging from preschool to university to ensure that their children have the support they need from the education system.  She can assist with IEP (Individual Education Plans), IPRC (Identification, Placement, and Review Committees), and guiding parents through the documentation required for their children to receive accommodations within the education system.

One of her greatest passions is providing advocacy support to children and their families who struggle within the education system. Some of the greatest potential is hindered by standardization and routine. She aims to support individuals to flourish and succeed in all facets of education via collaboration. Her passion for advocacy stems from her own personal experience of being ADHD, dyslexic, and gifted. As a result, she is acutely aware of what it feels like to be misunderstood in a system designed for a demographic that the student doesn’t fit within. She has experienced many unique educational environments and have witnessed the difficulties in building and maintaining effective learning plans and administrative relationships. These gifts and struggles led her to strive to make a difference. She is grateful every day to work with children and their families to establish and maintain a positive educational experience for all.

You can reach Kristen through her website Advantage Advocacy, via email at, or via phone at 613-714-9321.