Kristen Robertson-Grewal has an M.A. in Education with a specialization in Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation from the University of Ottawa.  She has been advocating for parents of children with special needs for the last 10 years.

Kristen works with families of children ranging from preschool to university to ensure that their children have the support they need from the education system.  She can assist with IEP (Individual Education Plans), IPRC (Identification, Placement, and Review Committees), and guiding parents through the documentation required for their children to receive accommodations within the education system.

You can contact Kristen through her website: Advantage Advocacy or admin (at) or 613-714-9321. (Currently taking new clients).

Gianna Colizza holds an ECE diploma, a Bachelor of Child Studies, and a Bachelor of Education.  Gianna has worked with children on the spectrum for over 20 years, including ten years in the UK where she has been regarded as a specialist leader in Special Needs Education and Autism.  She has worked extensively with children and their families, sat on many government panels, been a parent advocate, was chosen by the British Council to travel Europe learning about best practices in special education and led the establishment and operation of a private special education school in London.  She has also worked closely on projects with the renowned Simon Baron Cohen and has been interviewed by and mentioned in the Economist and SEN magazines.  Gianna is also trained in ESDM, ABA, TEACCH, Attention Autism, PACT and more.

You can contact Gianna at jmackintosh (at)