Please note: Our waitlist is only open to clients under the age of 4. Apply online to our waitlist.
Diagnostic, Psychological and Psychoeducational Assessments:
Which one is right for me?
To begin any assessment, a member of our clinical team will meet with the parents to discuss the child’s history and the parents’ concerns. The purpose of the first appointment is to obtain information about your concerns for your child and to determine what key questions you would like to have covered by the assessment. The booking process is the same regardless of the type of assessment, so you do not have to be specific when booking your appointments.
Diagnostic Assessment is a psychological evaluation aimed at determining whether or not your child meets the diagnostic criteria for a developmental disorder, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, etc. One of our clinicians will use various standardized tests for cognitive skills and adaptive functioning as well as looking for specific symptomology.
Psychological Assessment is a broadly based psychological evaluation. The clinical team will look at a broader range of developmental disorders and psychological criteria in order to determine what, if any, issues a child has. A variety of standardized tests will be used.
Psychoeducational Assessment combines the psychological/diagnostic assessment with a particular focus on issues which can affect an academic environment, such as learning disorders or sensory issues. On diagnosis, the clinician will be able to provide a letter which can be used as part of an Individual Education Plan with the school board.
What is the process?
The process depends on your child’s age, the extent of the assessment, and whether or not the assessment is done virtually or in person.
In person assessments:
For children between the ages of 12 months and 3 years, we offer a streamlined assessment process beginning with an initial intake meeting with the parents, followed by one or two 60-90 minute testing appointments. Using gentle, play-based testing criteria and information provided by the parents, the clinician evaluates the child. The parents then meet with the clinician for a feedback appointment to go over the diagnosis (if any) and our recommendations. A diagnostic letter will be provided at the feedback appointment and a more detailed formal report will be completed 8-10 weeks after the feedback.
For children between the ages of 3 and 21, the number of appointments vary according to which psychologist the family sees. Each assessment will begin with a parent intake, followed by three to five 60-90 minute testing sessions, and a parent feedback appointment. Generally, between 3 and 6 hours are allotted for testing. For older children, a separate feedback for the child and the clinician may be requested. If required, a family may also request multiple intake or feedback appointments, if such would make the assessment easier. A diagnostic letter can be provided at the feedback appointment and a more detailed formal report will be completed 8-10 weeks after the feedback.
For adults (18 +), we book between 5 and 7 appointments, depending on the clinician. The first is an intake, followed by three to five 60-90 minute testing appointments, and then a feedback. It is also possible to request multiple intakes or feedbacks, at the family’s request (i.e., one for the parents and one for the client), however, families should be aware that if a client is over 18, it is their decision as to whether or not information can be shared with other parties, including parents. A diagnostic letter can be provided at the feedback appointment and a more detailed formal report will be completed 8-10 weeks after the feedback.
Virtual assessments:
With a virtual assessment, the process is similar to an in-person assessment. The initial intake and feedback appointments will be done online with the clinician via a secure video chat program.
For the testing sessions, some of the standardized tests can be done online with the clinician or the clinician may ask parents to video their child and upload the file for the clinician to review. The process will be discussed during the intake appointment to ensure an accurate evaluation and the comfort of all parties.
Psychoeducational assessments will sometimes require extra appointments or observation sessions. We will book the standard number of appointments at intake but may require additional sessions if needed.
What are the costs and wait times?
The costs and wait times for an assessment vary depending on the number of appointments. Our clinicians charge $ 275 per hour. A streamlined assessment is generally 4 to 6 hours, plus a 5 hour charge for the report. For older children and adults, an assessment can be 6 to 9 hours, plus a 5 hour charge for the report. Extra intake and feedback sessions or observations would increase the amount of time necessary.
Please note that the costs cited above are general estimates only and are subject to change depending on individual circumstances.
Wait times can vary depending on the clinician. Please contact the clinician’s administrative assistant to find out what the wait times are. (A list of who to contact is below.)
How long does the assessment take?
At this time, the amount of time between intake and feedback can vary greatly depending on the client and clinician. Your clinician will discuss the situation and provide estimated timelines during the initial intake appointment.
Who is available to do testing and who do I contact?
Please check our Notice page for updates on what services are currently available and for what age groups.
For more information on the assessment process and costs, please contact our administrative team at info (at)